BNNSPEAG Participates in SRTC, 25-26 Jul 2018
BNNSPEAG Participates in SRTC, 25-26 Jul 2018






BNNSPEAG and SPEAG sponsored and participated in Standars, Regulations, Testing and Certifications (SRTC) - 2018 seminar (25-26 Jul 2018) which was held at Hotel Leela Gurugram.

Dr Niels Kuster, Speag was invited as an international expert speaker and during his presentation explained the regulations in North America and the technical solutions for certifications.

The Seminar was attended by Regulators, Mobile and telecom equipmet manufacturers, laboratories etc. The event drew a lot of interest due to the mandatory testing of telecom equipment being introduced from 01 Oct 2018. TEC demonstrated the new web portal which will be launched shortly to administer the new policy.

BNN participated in the exhibition scheduled as part of this event with live demonstration of SAR testing using cSAR3D system
